The workshop aimed at recycling waste and reusing the discarded objects to create products of higher value than the original has changed the way of thinking or even the lifestyle as the artistic workshops unleashed the creativity of vulnerable youth. All participants received Youthpass certificates which can be recognised as an educational experience and a period of non-formal learning.

The main part of the From Trash To Treasure youth exchange was The "Skarabeusz" module, during which the participants created their personal treasures, based on the given context and theme. All treasures were made from trash, that is recycled and upcycled materials. The authors described their works. The participants' efforts were crowned with an e-gallery in a virtual environment. 


Making costumes and weapons is my passion and I was having a lot of fun creating this treasure - Upcycled Armor and Sword made from paper and tapes. I was able to create something I am proud of and show my friends what I am good at. The quality time and fun I had while creating something I love was a great value to me.


An eco-friendly house model represents a connection between my studies and the environment. In my treasure there is the top view of a house in which you can spot the interior architecture design. This treasure may serve as a reminder that all of us can be more environmental friendly.


I really like fish and sea life. For me it’s really important to have clean oceans and not destroy our eco system. The consumption of seafood also slowly decreases their population so my treasure, that is a statue of fish, reminds me of the beauty of sea life.


To create 2 pairs of earrings I used a wire earring top and bottle caps . I used a quilling technique to make heart and cat-like shapes as I love cats. For an earring displayer I used a paper rolling technique. My two favourite colours that represent my inner self are purple and pink.


You can see a ship from my imaginary empire which is red painted and has a yellow flag. It is placed on a paper cup with glue.

Ships are used during wars and battles, so it is a symbol of strength and power. It can protect people from enemies. But on the other hand, it can destroy things e.g. with cannonballs. It also makes me feel free because it floats on the surface of the ocean which is huge. Last but not least,  my father was a sailor on the cargo ships and travelled around the world so I am sentimental about ships or the sea.


This treasure – a rattle, musical instrument creating sounds, made from paper plates and metal tools – is important to me because it means we can create music even from trash. Music is also one of the ways I collaborate and interact with others. I think music is one of the most connecting activities and by creating our own instruments we are able to personalize the way we express ourselves.


My biggest values are peace and love. It may seem that my treasure is a bit contradictory – a military boot with flowers. I used a shoe and yellow flowers. My art represents peace, cause no one is wearing a military boot, and cause flowers grow out of it.


A hat and a wand are parts of wizard costume. They recall my childhood memories and my former passion for fantasy characters and how it inspired me to be an artist and who I am.


To make a tree I used a wire which further unravels. The tree is decorated with beads which could be considered the pleasant and happy moments of life. For sure it also presents the mystery of life. Try to find it. Looking at sort of embranchment, you can imagine that it continues and has eternal roots. Tree branches symbolize my curiosity, joy and contentment.


A cardboard suitcase/ briefcase made from biscuit boxes represents my passion for travelling. It proves my external messiness but I am still trying to be organized inside.


A bottle decorated with flowers resembles wild and beautiful nature. It can be used as a vase or a pot, depending on the person, so it is versatile. The label of the bottle reminds me of astrology, which is one of my hobbies. In my treasure  I included flowers because I love spring and nature.


I felt inspired by modern sculptors and artists and decided to incorporate a really minimalist design into my home decor set - a set of three wine bottles made from wires reflects my creativity and unpredictability


The leaves I used to make flowers in the basket correspond to their “dance” while falling from trees. The grass is flexible - so are dancers. I am a professional dancer so my treasure fully reflects my passion.


A plastic bottle was used to transform plastic into a useful thing for my garden – a plastic flower pot. My treasure is important to me because I love plants. Through the conversion of a useless object into something necessary for a nature lover I wanted to show my eco-friendly approach to life.


The main element of my treasure is a light bulb which is placed on the top of four small boxes. The boxes are painted brown, which somehow reminds me of the cultural heritage of those classic old books that survived throughout history. The blue colour represents life, purity and beauty. The matches symbolize fire and energy I am full of. The books are the base for knowledge, self-discipline and intelligence. Each detail of my treasure matters.


My idea was to create something that can help me to better organize make-up stuff because I am a very well-organized person. I love music. I love to hear people playing my instrument, and I also love to sing. As one of my most important values is health I used a packet of cigarettes to make a little piano as part of my treasure. The mirror depicts sort of reflection on some values i.a.: freedom of choice. This treasure is important to me because it’s my own piece of art.



A wooden frame attached to a lot of papers symbolize the cables and wires behind the walls. It is very intriguing when being at the concert, we hear some music “behind the wall”. We cannot even realize how many cables and how much work is “behind the scenes”. I think it is similar to how fast we judge other people.


Perhaps it is not typical of girls but I made a dodge charger car from the newspaper and plastic cups. This treasure is important to me because dodge charger is the first car my boyfriend showed me. Then I madly fell in love with cars.


The cup coaster is entirely made from newspapers and paper strings. The cup for coffee is made from a coffee jar. A handle is also added in order to facilitate transportation. The coaster looks like a tree trunk in order to highlight the number of trees that are cut down in order to produce paper.


The masque was made from upcycled materials, i.a.: with the use of paper, and was decorated with some quilled elements and mini graffiti. It symbolizes a mystery and "the outside beauty". Thanks to this I can hide my expressions and observe things from the distance.


The holder made from an energy drink bottle, tape, paper cup and black tape helps me to better organise my artistic stuff when working at the desk and being able to find things in one place. This quality trait results from my artistic soul.


A parrot’s house reflects my empathy towards birds. They should be definitely protected. I also like to help others I decided to do something for helpless animals.

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My treasure - an ancient hammer made from a plastic cup and a pen was wrapped up in paper/aluminium foil. My treasure and the way I’ve built it represents both history, which is really close to me, as well creativity and innovation. I have used some resources I collected, which can also showcase how our ancestors used theirs to create tools for survival.


I made a lamp that could be lightened up with a candle or a phone flashlight. The hand cut paper cover creates a really relaxing and nostalgic shadow all over the room. The handmade paper cut-outs are inspired by the crafts my grandma used to make and taught me how to create them. The lamp itself recalls my memory of her and the time we spent together. From my perspective the lamp is sort of tribute to her.


For my air balloon I used a cup, a balloon, aluminium foil and plenty of recycled paper (from a non-used magazine). For me air balloon means freedom. You can go wherever you want to. The only thing you need is just some good weather.


The bong made from a plastic bottle and other recycled materials. The bong represents me as a smoke addict. Although smoking is unhealthy, it makes me calm and glad. I really like when I make creative things, which always makes me a more open, art-oriented and self-disciplined young man. 


Flying butterflies hang on ropes from branches. Squirrels and flowers reflect the natural environment. This treasure is important to me because it represents freedom - butterflies fly freely and independently in the air. It also represents the environment. The fact that my treasure is completely made from recycled products highlights environmental sustainability.


I turned a paper cup into a flower pot, thus creating an eco-friendly treasure.

This treasure is important to me because you can decorate your space with plants and flowers creating a calm and peaceful atmosphere. Furthermore, using some eco- friendly recycled materials can help to protect the environment, and this topic is really close to me.


The treasure presents a bottle with two separate boxes attached and it symbolizes a space shuttle. The idea is that any active person that needs a boost of energy can mix the protein powder/ pre-workout, wait for water to make an energy drink right after, before or during  workout.

The treasure is important to me because I am active and preparing an energy drink fast and easily  is useful for me. The bottle is easy to carry anywhere so it is ideal for me when I travel.


My treasure is entirely based on upcycled materials: ropes, paper and sticks. Three paper cups of different colours hang from ropes. Each colour symbolizes something different: positives, negatives and emotions. The “positive” cup gives hope, the “negative” one depicts anger and the “emotional” cup symbolizes rose-coloured glasses. I am a very emotional person so I tried to show a variety of feelings inside me.


A very untypical instrument I’ve made, that is ukulele, represents me. This treasure is important to me because I love music. I play some instruments, also ukulele. Music plays a very important role in my life as it gives me a lot of energy.


A swan is entirely made from paper. I love walking in the park, observing nature and feeding birds. I feel free and carefree whenever I contribute to the protection of animals and environment. The way I’ve made my treasure proves that I am not only an animal lover, but also a meticulous person.


My great love in my life is flowers – tulips, roses, orchids. In my free time I often make various flower compositions. I chose bright colours as I am personally an optimist. Nature grounds me. The fresh air and the calm vibes relax me as soon as I take a breath.